
End of the Fringe

Never let it be said that I am not a man of good intentions. Simply one whose intentions sometimes go astray due to bright lights and shiny objects.

Now that the 2006 (Adelaide) Fringe has wrapped up, I’m in a state to return to scheduled programming. Luckily for you, my imaginary readers, you have infinite patience and won’t mind that I’m not going to be writing a whole lot here. Oh, gosh, says I, I really did mean to write in here a lot just for the sake of practising my writing skills. And indeed, I do actually hope to do so.

But you know me. (Or you would if you existed.) Actions speak louder than intentions, and it just so happens that there are so many little things that pop up that don’t exactly help to keep me on schedule. They divert my intentions and in short time I’ll have forgotten all that I meant to have been doing. So we’ll see how we go.

Let’s get back to the heart of the matter I had been meaning to mention. The Fringe is over, and for the first time I can remember it’s been a bit of a burden. Yes, I know. Life’s hard. But what I mean is that in the past it’s all been fun, and this time it’s been with a real sense of loss that I’ve realised that my dip into the carnival world is over this time. The performers simply move on to bigger cities and other events, around in circles until the next Fringe here; then once again our experiences will touch again briefly and the pleasure I’ve felt over the last week or so will hopefully be re-experienced.

And the fact that for the next two years I have to work really hard finishing my PhD is inextricably linked to the ending of the Fringe might in fact have amplified the effect, but even a few days after it’s all over I’m thinking back to it with nostalgia.

The funny thing is, it’s not even my nostalgia. Ali and many other people were a much greater part of the community down in the Garden of Unearthly Delights (for example), and it’s their happiness and excitement reflected in me that I miss.

But like most things in life, the experience will come around again. This very brief journal entry stands to crystallise my feelings before I move on to become another person.